
  • 📐 Update 0.3.7

    [SA]Ares, 26.11.2024

    - In this update, we added a new item: Shards of Golden Stone. They can be sold for 100,000 Yang per piece, and you can obtain them by sacrificing any stone between +0 and +4.
    - We also added another new item: Piece of Golden Stone. It can be sold for 25,000,000 Yang per piece, and it can be obtained by fishing with a Fishing Pole +9 or mining with a Pickaxe +9.

    - We improved the Moonlight Chest and Hexagonal Chest drop rates and tripled the amount of Enchant Item.
    - Status bonuses are now available for Weapon Skins, and Strong against Metinstones or Bosses is now available for Costumes & Hairstyles.
    - The Automatic and Manual Switchbot can now accept Costumes as well.
    - The manual Switchbot warning was adapted for catching three bonuses (even if not full) when using Transform Costume on Costumes.
    - Added the possibility to reset level 92 and 94 Biologist Research with Research Pergament, which can be crafted at the Guardian in the middle of the cities.

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