
  • 📜 Transmutation

    [SA]Ares, 21.11.2024

    With Transmutation, players can now change the visual appearance of their equipment.
    Here’s everything you need to know.

    Where to transmutation

    To transmute equipment, head to Theowahdan and select the Transmutation option.
    Once selected, the Transmutation window will appear.

    How to transmutation

    On the left side, add the equipment you want to change.
    On the right side, add the equipment from which the appearance will be taken.
    Keep in mind that the equipment on the right side will be permanently destroyed in the process.
    The cost for Transmutation is one hundred million yang. However, if you have a Transmutation Ticket, the process is free.
    The Transmutation Ticket can be obtained with Dragon Coins and Dragon Marks.

    What you can transmutation

    The following equipment can be transmuted:
    - Weapons
    - Armors
    - Weapon Skins
    - Costumes
    - Hairstyles
    - Mounts
    - Pets
    - Sash

    Good to know

    In addition to the visual changes, each transmuted equipment item grants +150 Max HP.
    Theowahdan also has a Transmutation Reversal for sale.
    With this item, you can remove a Transmutation from an equipment.
    Unlike the official version, the Transmutation is not removed when refining or evolving an equipment.

  • 21.11
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