- Tartaros from Devil Catacomb is now highlighted as a boss.
- Replaced chaos effect with boss effect for better visibility.
- Added a 3-Metin queue farm with SHIFT + RIGHT CLICK on other Metins.
- Added instant whisper envelope close by pressing CTRL + X + Mouse Click on it.
- Adjusted the Transmutation background image to make it more intuitive.
- Added an emoji list button in the whisper window that displays the keys for emojis.
- Replaced portals with NPCs at the end of the dungeon.
- Replaced hourly rewards only with JD Vouchers.
- Removed Jotun Chest functionality as a chest.
- Added the PVP Costumes from Jotun's Chest to the Jotun new's NPC shop in the Yongbi Desert.
- Increased Trivia Reward from x25 to x100 Lucky Medal on the Speed Server Duration.
- Reduced crafting costs for Cape of Courage+ at Wonda-Rym.
- Added x2 events each day, all day.
- Fixed the untradable shop button and icons being selected after reopening the shop sometimes.
- Fixed private shop slots not displaying correctly on the second page if the premium shop is enabled.